

According to the article posted on (which was taken from a story in, Rob Marshall is "most likely" going to be directing the 4th Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Now, some of you may ask, "why is there a Pirates 4 and who the hell is Rob Marshall?" Marshall is the director of the Academy-Award winning musical Chicago, the Catherine Zeta Jones picture that was both overrated and...well, overrated. Me, I love musicals (what straight man doesn't?), but Chicago was just a mess that was aimed towards the middle aged and I'm not there yet. Plus, anyone who lets Renee Zellwegger in a movie is no friend of mine.

Anyway, Marshall's new film, Nine (not the sweet animated one, but SHOCK a musical), will be hitting theaters soon and Pirates 4 may or may not be his next picture. It isn't etched in stone yet, but I think I speak for the general public when I say: who cares?

Pirates ran its course many moons ago, and the third film wasn't exactly the greatest film to cap the series on. I understand it's a cash cow and Johnny Depp needs (no he doesn't) 40 million dollars, but milking a franchise running on empty is not the way to recessitate Hollywood. Still, it will probably gross a boat load, but I expect a 70 percent drop second-week. I call it now. Remember this.

Who knows, maybe Rob Marshall, should he take the job since it isn't etched in stone yet, will breathe new life into the series. All I know is I won't be watching either way. Three was enough.
